What is Cerebral Palsy?
Cerebral Palsy is a general term describing conditions that cause movement issues.
The underlying cause is damage to, or faulty development of, part of the brain. This usually occurs sometime before birth. Cerebral Palsy ranges from mild to severe. In some cases there are associated problems such as learning difficulties and epilepsy.
Cerebral Palsy is not a single physical condition. Although the main problem is with the muscles in one or more parts of the body, the condition is caused by damage to the part of the brain which sends messages to the muscles, limiting movement and co-ordination. The damage or faulty development usually occurs as a baby is developing in the womb. Sometimes can also occur during, or shortly after, birth.
If someone has Cerebral Palsy, it means that they are not able to control some of the muscles in their body in the normal way. Depending on the type of Cerebral Palsy and the area of brain affected, a person may not be able to walk, move, talk, eat, or play in the same ways as other people.
For more information, please contact your local Family Support Worker:
Barrow & Furness, South Lakes, Kendal
Nicola Brockbank
T: 07407 157764
E: nicola.brockbank@cpcumbria.org.uk
Carlisle, Eden & West Cumbria
Paul Bambrick
T: 07715 079429
E: paul.bambrick@cumbriacerebralpalsy.net